Talk about a famous person – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2

Tả người (describing a person) là một trong 4 nhóm chủ đề lớn trong bài thi Speaking Part 2. Và Talk about a famous person là một trong nhóm chủ đề đó.

Bài viết này sẽ cung cấp các cụm từ vựng, các cấu trúc câu và các bài mẫu để giúp bạn có thể hoàn thành tốt bài thi IELTS Speaking của mình nhé!

Từ vựng áp chủ đề Describe a Famous person

Từ vựng chủ đề talk about a famous person
Từ vựng chủ đề Talk about a famous person
  • A famous figure: Một nhân vật nổi tiếng
  • Admiration: Sự khâm phục
  • Phenomenal: Hiện tượng
  • Shot to stardom: Nổi tiếng một cách bất ngờ
  • Admire: Khâm phục
  • Embark on: Bắt tay vào
  • Hooked: Mắc câu
  • Outstanding: Vượt trội
  • Gregariousness: Hòa đồng
  • Devote to: Cống hiến cho
  • Charity: Từ thiện
  • Known professionally as: Có nghệ danh là, được biết đến như là…
  • Stumble upon: Vô tình biết đến
  • Chubby: Mũm mỉm
  • Slender: Mảnh khảnh
  • Well-built: Vạm vỡ 
  • Medium-built: Thể hình trung bình
  • Kind-hearted: Tốt bụng
  • Optimistic: Lạc
  • Quandiligent: Chăm chỉ
  • Amiable: Dễ mến
  • Look on the bright side: Luôn nhìn về mặt tốt của vấn đề
  • Role model: Hình mẫu

Cấu trúc câu cho Talk about a famous person

  • Without a doubt, a famous figure that I have a lot of admiration for is…..
  • I came to know her/ him through…..
  • He/ she shot to stardom after….
  • I admire him/ her because……..Firstly,…..Also…..
  •  He/ She is a … person who…: Anh/ cô ấy là người mà…
  • At first, I thought…
  • However, it turned out to be…: Hồi đầu tôi tưởng…hóa ra thì…
  • There was a time: có lần…
  • What I like most about him/ her is…: Cái tôi thích nhất ở anh/cô ấy là…
  • What I am most impressed: Cai tôi ấn tượng nhất
  • I’ll try my best to become such a great person like him: Tôi sẽ cố gắng để trở thành người như anh ấy.

Bài mẫu chủ đề Talk about a famous person you admire – Part 2

Ở phần này có 3 dạng bài. Tuy nhiên, dù ở dạng bài nào, bạn cũng có thể sử dụng bố cục dưới đây để triển khai các ý của mình:

  • Who the person is? – Người đó là ai?
  • Why he/ she is famous: Tại sao anh ấy/ cô ấy nổi tiếng:
  • Why you admire this person? – Bạn khâm phục điều gì ở người đó?
  • What you would do if you met this person? – Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu gặp người đó?

Xem thêm: Các tháng trong tiếng Anh

Describe a person who is good at his or her job – Talk about a famous person

Yêu cầu: Hãy miêu tả một người làm tốt công việc của anh ấy hoặc cô ấy


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Miêu tả về Mỹ Tâm - Describe a person who is good at his or her job
Miêu tả về Mỹ Tâm – Talk about a famous person

Today I’d want to talk about someone who excels in their job, and that person is none other than Ms. My Tam, a well-known vocalist in Vietnam. Of all the famous people, My Tam has always stood out for her fame as well as her intense devotion for the work she has taken on.

My Tam and I first became acquainted when I discovered one of her records in a local music shop about ten years ago. What could possibly be better than her classic haircut and smoldering eye makeup, in my opinion? her mezzo-soprano voice is wonderful. As soon as I heard her voice being played at the music store, I was hooked.

My Tam is renowned for her commitment to her work in addition to her lovely voice. She once told the media that she enjoys her work and that she would be content to continue singing without getting married. This was a bold statement at the time, and it made headlines for weeks to come.

You see, I always admire prominent public personalities who have managed to give their entire life to their profession. My Tam was a musician who touched people’s hearts with her straightforward music, inspiring thousands of listeners regardless of their gender, age, or socioeconomic standing. She was also well-known for her selfless charitable activities. She was always so busy that she occasionally forgot to take care of herself.

She once put everything else aside to perform live at a concert for the underprivileged and donated a significant amount of money to help them. Without a doubt, she is the most amazing woman I have ever seen.

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Describe a female leader you would like to meet – Talk about a famous person in vietnam

Yêu cầu: Hãy mô tả một người phụ nữ lãnh đạo bạn muốn gặp nhất

Shark Linh - Describe a female leader you would like to meet
Shark Linh – Talk about a famous person

I am going to talk about Shark Linh, also known as Thái Vân Linh, a female leader I’d love to meet in person. In this short talk, I’ll refer to her as “Shark Linh.”

Shark Linh was born in Vietnam, but when she was a young child, her family brought her to the United States. Because of this, despite her remarkable grasp of English, she occasionally has trouble communicating in Vietnamese.

But she can still start a new business in Vietnam despite the linguistic barrier. She turned down excellent offers from American businesses to take the CEO position at Vietnam Capital and then founded Rita Phil, a business that provides custom bridal gowns.

Shark Linh is well known for her part as a shark in Shark Tank Vietnam, the popular reality TV show’s Vietnamese adaptation. She is typically the calmer Shark among the four and is more forgiving when commenting on others, but she is also quite astute when making decisions. As I’ve seen throughout the series, Shark Linh exclusively made investments in industries in which she had extensive expertise.

For Vietnamese teenage girls, Shark Linh has served as a wonderful role model. Thousands of Vietnamese women have been motivated by her well-known quote, “I perceive no gap in agility and skill between men and women,” and her performance on the show, which has encouraged them to pursue careers in finance.

Describe an interesting old person you would like to meet

Yêu cầu: Miêu tả một người già thú vị mà bạn muốn gặp

Bà Tân Vlog - Describe an interesting old person you would like to meet
Bà Tân Vlog – Describe an interesting old person you would like to meet

Bà Tân Vlog, which roughly translates to “Grandma Tân the Vlogger” in English, is a fascinating elderly person I’d like to meet. Grandma Tân is a YouTube superstar, not just an ordinary elderly granny who enjoys knitting. For an elderly YouTuber, her channel currently has almost 1.5 million subscribers, which is an astounding achievement.

Grandma Tân is renowned for her ability to prepare large and flaming dishes, as she would typically phrase it. You never know when she’ll surprise you with a “huge and fiery” hot pot or serve 100 “large and fiery” chicken drumsticks to the entire hamlet. Her catchphrase “huge and fiery” has inspired numerous online jokes.

There is disagreement on Grandma Tân and her movies. Some individuals believe that her videos don’t merit all the attention because they’re neither outstanding MVs nor good tunes. Others, though, believe she is a fantastic entertainer.

For Vietnamese teenage girls, Shark Linh has served as a wonderful role model. Thousands of Vietnamese women have been motivated by her well-known quote, “I perceive no gap in agility and skill between men and women,” and her performance on the show, which has encouraged them to pursue careers in finance.

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Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe a Famous person – Part 3

What sorts of people are famous in your country?

Celebrities in Vietnam come from a wide range of industries, much like in other nations. I’d guess that the majority of them are from the entertainment sector. Many television programs and commercials feature A-list actors and musicians. Another group of athletes is footballers in particular.

Because Vietnamese fans of the game are so passionate, the best players unsurprisingly attract a lot of attention. We also have a few well-known chefs, journalists, and medical professionals here and there.

How do people become famous?

There are a variety of ways to gain notoriety. To begin with, you can advance, develop your abilities, and finally be acknowledged for your brilliance and accomplishments in any sector. Of course, being a really excellent actress is easier to be noticed than being a very good chef.

Participating in a social media viral story or video is another technique to gain notoriety. As trends change frequently, it is challenging to maintain this level of fame. The final option that comes to me is to participate in talent competitions like “Vietnam’s Got Talents” competitions, “The Voice,” and my personal favorite, “Sing My Song.” You can display your talent in these programs, and if you’re lucky you can be famous quite rapidly too. 

Are there any differences between people who were famous a few years ago and the people who are famous today?

Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe a Famous person - Part 3
Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe a Famous person – Part 3

To be honest, I’m not sure. We might notice certain trends if “social media” is the primary distinction between the recent past and the present. The ability to become famous by posting videos online wasn’t really available in the past because we didn’t use social media as much. Yes, there were a few exceptions, of course.

I recall the turning point in my nation when youngsters started recording themselves discussing thoughts and performing skits. This fad swept other young people off their feet and paved the path for many additional internet celebrities. I’d say that right now, far more individuals have found fame on social media than in any other format.

Do you think there is such a thing as bad publicity?

Yes, of course. And I’d even venture to suggest that negative publicity is really challenging to shake off. After becoming embroiled in scandals, celebrities frequently lose future deals with their sponsors. Some of their supporters might also disown them.

Additionally, they risk being rejected by their coworkers and placed on a blacklist by recruiters for future employment. After something like that, they have a really difficult time getting back on track.

Như vậy, qua bài viết mà chia sẻ, bạn đã có thêm kiến thức và kinh nghiệm để hoàn thành tốt phần speaking với chủ đề talk about a famous person. Hy vọng những kiến thức này sẽ giúp bạn tự tin bước vào phòng thi và đạt điểm cao trong bài thi IELTS của mình nhé!

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