Talk about Happiness – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking về chủ đề Happiness

Đối với mỗi người, khái niệm về hạnh phúc sẽ có một định nghĩa và sắc thái khác nhau. Nhờ sự đa dạng và ý nghĩa đó, Talk about Happiness trở thành một trong những chủ đề quen thuộc và được ưa chuộng trong các bài thi IELTS Speaking, nhất là IELTS Speaking Part 1.

Bài viết dưới đây sẽ tổng hợp lại cho bạn tất cả các từ vựng câu hỏi phổ biến của chủ đề happiness hoàn thành tốt phần talk about happiness. Cùng theo dõi nhé!

Từ vựng về Happiness

Dưới đây là một số từ vựng thường dùng trong chủ đề Talk about Happiness:

Từ vựng về Happiness
Từ vựng về chủ đề Talk about Happiness
  • Well-being: Hạnh phúc
  • Merry: Vui vẻ, dễ chịu, phấn khởi
  • Jubilant: Mừng rỡ, tưng bừng hớn hở
  • Joyful: Hân hoan, đáng mừng
  • Exulting: Hoan hỉ, hớn hở, đắc chí, hả hê
  • Exhilarated: Hồ hởi
  • Blithe: Vô tư, không âu lo
  • Ecstatic: Ngất ngây
  • Radiant: Rạng rỡ 
  • Fortunate: May mắn
  • Blissful: Vô cùng hạnh phúc, vui sướng
  • Overjoyed: Quá đỗi vui mừng
  • Be thrilled with /biː θrɪld wɪð/: Tận hưởng
  • Cheer me up /ʧɪə miː ʌp/: Khiến tôi vui
  • Spread positive energy /sprɛd ˈpɒzətɪv ˈɛnəʤi/: Lan tỏa năng lượng tích cực
  • (To) be on cloud nine /(tuː) biː ɒn klaʊd naɪn/: Hạnh phúc, sung sướng
  • Delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/: Hài lòng
  • Pleasure /ˈplɛʒə/: Sự hài lòng
  • Satisfaction /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/: Sự thoả mãn (cách sử dụng và nghĩa gần giống với pleasure)
  • Resident (n) = inhabitant (n): Cư dân
  • Contentment (n): Sự hài lòng
  • Vice versa (adv): Ngược lại
  • Economic growth (n): Sự phát triển kinh tế
  • Social mobility (n): Dịch chuyển xã hội, dùng để nói về khả năng di chuyển từ tầng lớp này sang tầng lớp khác của xã hội
  • High living standard (n): Mức sống cao
  • Material abundance (n) = material wealth (n): Sự giàu có về mặt vật chất
  • (To) attain pleasure: đạt được niềm vui
  • Mental health issue (n): Vấn đề sức khỏe tâm lý
  • Optimism (n): Sự lạc quan
  • Stressor (n): Tác nhân gây áp lực
  • Monetary means (n): Phương tiện tiền bạc
  • Companionship (n): Tình bạn
  • Stimulating challenge (n): Thử thách kích thích
  • Crucial (adj): Quan trọng
  • Well-being (n): Sức khỏe
  • Depression /dɪˈprɛʃən/: Sự chán nản, buồn bã
  • Frame of mind /freɪm ɒv maɪnd/: Cách suy nghĩ (way of thinking)
  • Cheer up /ʧɪər ʌp/: Là mai đó vui
  • Brighten up /ˈbraɪtn ʌp/: Làm một ngày trở nên tươi vui
  • Go through a bad time /gəʊ θruː ə bæd taɪm/: Trải qua một quãng thời gian tồi tệ
  • Contented /kənˈtɛntɪd/: Hài lòng
  • Gloomy /ˈgluːmi/: U ám
  • Overjoyed /ˌəʊvəˈʤɔɪd/: Quá đỗi vui mừng
  • Dejected >< contented /dɪˈʤɛktɪd >< kənˈtɛntɪd/: Chán nản
  • In high spirits /ɪn haɪ ˈspɪrɪts/: Tinh thần sảng khoái
  • On cloud nine /ɒn klaʊd naɪn/: Lên chín tầng mây (nói về cảm giác hạnh phúc)
  • Down in the dumps /daʊn ɪn ðə dʌmps/ = unhappy: Không vui
  • Living costs have become prohibitive: Chi phí sinh hoạt ngày càng đắt đỏ
  • The sole factor that governs our level of contentment: Yếu tố duy nhất làm ảnh hưởng đến sự hạnh phúc của chúng ta
  • Creatively fulfilled: Thoải mái sáng tạo
  • To have a sense of purpose: Có mục đích trong cuộc đời
  • Collective happiness: Hạnh phúc số đông
  • To be consumed with sth: Quá đắm chìm vào thứ gì đó
  • The pursuit of happiness: Sự theo đuổi hạnh phúc
  • The utopian image of society: Xã hội toàn diện (hoàn hảo)
  • To get hung up on sth: Lo lắng về việc gì đó
  • To guilt trip sb: Làm cho ai cảm thấy có lỗi
  • A toxic relationship (n): Một mối quan hệ không tốt
  • Happy as a clam: Rất hài lòng, sung sướng
  • Having a whale of a time: Có khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời, vui vẻ
  • In seventh heaven: Hạnh phúc tuyệt trần
  • Over the moon: Vui sướng, cực kỳ hạnh phúc
  • Burst with joy: Ngập tràn niềm vui và hạnh phúc
  • Be in a transport of delight: Cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc, hài lòng 
  • Weep for joy: Vui sướng, hạnh phúc đến phát khóc
Từ vựng trong IELTS về chủ đề Happiness
Từ vựng trong IELTS về chủ đề Talk about Happiness
  • Like a dog with two tails: Cực kỳ vui vẻ, sung sướng
  • Full of the joys of spring: Tràn đầy niềm vui, năng lượng hạnh phúc
  • Jump for joy = Leap for joy: Nhảy cẫng lên vì vui sướng
  • A joy to behold: Một trải nghiệm, sự kiện hoặc một thứ gì đó làm cho người xem cảm thấy vui vẻ, phấn chấn
  • Get a kick out of something: Rất thích thú khi làm điều gì đó
  • Walking on air: Vui sướng lâng lâng như đang ở trên mây
  • Make someone’s day: Làm cho ai đó thật sự cảm thấy vui vẻ, hạnh phúc
  • Grin from ear to ear: Cười toe toét đến tận mang tai
  • Happy go lucky: Một người luôn chấp nhận mọi việc với thái độ vô tư, vui vẻ và lạc quan vào tương lai
  • On top of the world: Hạnh phúc, vui sướng lâng lâng
  • Let off some steam (v): Xả hơi
  • Satisfaction (n): Sự hài lòng

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Các câu hỏi thường gặp về chủ đề Talk about Happiness

Các câu hỏi thường gặp của chủ đề Hạnh Phúc
Các câu hỏi thường gặp của chủ đề Talk about Happiness

1. Is it simple to bring you happiness?

Yes, simple things like indulging in delectable cuisine or purchasing brand-new clothing can make me happy. I always have joy in my life and work hard to spread it to others. Perhaps this explains why I occasionally get the nickname “happy vitamin” from my pals.


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2. When you’re joyful, what do you do?

Whenever I am on cloud nine, the first thing I will do is to call my parents to inform them. By doing that, my joy seems to grow even more, and my parents are overjoyed that their gorgeous daughter is the one to inform them first!

Besides, I usually hang out with my friends and spend the whole day sippinga cup of coffee. If the weather is fine, I occasionally take a picnic and enjoy the lovely sunshine.

3. What irritates you?

Well, when I get bad grades on tests, I get a little depressed. My academic achievement not meeting my expectations. It can cause a lot of depression and pressure. . My parents, though, are incredibly encouraging and offer me guidance so I don’t have to battle negative emotions for too long.

4. Do you believe that individuals can be happy with money?

I believe that having a lot of money makes many individuals happy because they may indulge in a luxurious lifestyle and purchase opulent items. But I also know a lot of wealthy but unhappy folks. So, in my opinion, there is no fixed answer to such a question.

5. What does happiness mean to you?

In my humble opinion, happiness isn’t achieving certain goals. Surely it’s important to accomplish what you yearn for but that’s not eternal happiness for me. happiness a journey that I undertake in the pursuit of my goals.

6. What do you like to do when you are happy?

When I am happy, I prefer to tell my family and friends about my accomplishments and feelings. I think that without them, I wouldn’t be happy.

7. What types of things bring you joy?

There are numerous things that can make me happy, like going for a 30-minute stroll outside to blow off steam so I won’t feel gloomy, or making a lot of purchases online so I feel like I’ve saved a lot of money, which makes me more happier.

8. What types of things give Vietnamese people joy?

It’s difficult to explain, but the individuals I know in my neighborhood generally feel pleased when they make more money. For some people, however, happiness may come from seeing their kids accepted into prestigious universities.

9. Is it simple to rejoice for you?

Well, I’m afraid that as an adult, I’m too stressful to be happy. I have to find a good job and get a decent pay to feed myself and family, so I have to admit that there are less and less things that make me really happy.

10. What role does money play in our happiness?

Well, given that living costs today have become prohibitive, money is indeed very important. Having said that, I don’t believe that only having money affects our degree of happiness; I think there are other factors that are just as important.

For many of us, having a well-paying job alone is not enough; we also want to be able to express our creativity in our work. In my opinion among the factors that contribute to our happiness are a fulfilling relationship with our spouse and family as well as a sense of purpose.

Xem thêm: Các tháng trong tiếng Anh

11. Do you believe that happiness comes from making others happy?

Các câu hỏi phổ biến trong IELTS về chủ đề Happiness
Các câu hỏi phổ biến trong IELTS về chủ đề Talk about Happiness

Absolutely. I think that everyone’s happiness matters just as much as our collective happiness. When we improve the lives of others, we experience satisfaction on a personal level. So that, People donate to charities or volunteer their time.

As a result, we shouldn’t be too preoccupied with finding happiness for ourselves and instead try to make others happy in tiny ways. That is, in my opinion, a perfect society.

12. Are we responsible for other people’s happiness?

It’s true that sometimes we feel obligated to make those around us happy. But I don’t think we should get too hung up on pleasing people. It is unhealthy, and some people may take advantage of that and guilt trip us into doing things they want.

So if you have someone in your life who is always upset with you no matter how hard you try to make them happy, it is a toxic relationship and you should confront them about that.

Talk about happiness – Bài mẫu về chủ đề hạnh phúc

Talk about happiness - Bài mẫu về chủ đề hạnh phúc
Talk about happiness – Bài mẫu về chủ đề hạnh phúc

Bài mẫu 1

Happiness is an emotion that makes people feel satisfied about a certain need, and we always want to enjoy it to the fullest. But that is just a concept when we talk about happiness. When we really feel it, we will see that it is not as simple as we often think, but it is infinite. We can easily find it in the smallest things as long as we calmly accept it, and happiness will appear like a gentle wind to ease the sorrows and worries in life.

To get happiness is not difficult; just don’t be too strict with life; it will definitely come to us. Happiness is simply a glass of water when you are thirsty, a cake when you are hungry, and a word of comfort when you are sad. What should I do to achieve complete happiness? The answer to this question is not to be too picky.

Just live fully and don’t keep unnecessary things in your heart; be satisfied with your current life. To make your heart more peaceful, let go of the past and accept the present, and you will receive a valuable reward

Xem thêm bài mẫu tiếng Anh chủ đề Talk about your hobby, Talk About YourselfIntroduce Yourself nhé!

Bài mẫu 2

A very warm Good Morning to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to deliver a speech on Happiness. What do you understand by the term happiness? Is it something that depends on external factors? How can one be happy in a true way?

Well, the word “happy” refers to a positive state of mind. For some people, happiness might mean different things. Some people could consider wealth and financial success to be happy. Others, however, stress the necessity of good health for happiness.

Others might be pleased with respectable careers and great reputations. Others may believe that true happiness comes from having a peaceful mind and being in harmony with the Almighty.

True happiness is a state of being that originates from inside. It originates in our hearts. Despite our perceptions, it is untrue that material possessions or pleasures can make us happy. A person who is wealthy may or may not be happy. However, a person who is happy is always wealthy.

One’s level of happiness indicates how optimistic they are about life. Such a person believes that everything that occurs is for the best. Even if he fails in life, he or she doesn’t blame destiny for it. Also, such a person doesn’t lose hope. He is always hopeful.

An upbeat person will constantly be content. In addition, someone who has this ability will be able to enjoy pain. A happy individual also doesn’t rely on other people or outside influences to make him happy. Even in the worst circumstances, he will be able to maintain his happiness.

Thus, it is clear that internal factors play a role in happiness. It is attainable through self-realization. The only way to truly find happiness is to seek unity with the Almighty.

How Do You Get Happy? Nobody can bring us happiness. Only we are accountable for our own pleasure. Being happy is a decision. We can only truly be happy when we understand our unity with God. One needs to be thankful to God for all the gifts he has given us in order to be happy.

We ought to be grateful for this priceless gift of life. Furthermore, happiness does not require a lot of material possessions. A person who is thankful finds joy in even the little things in life. We ought to be grateful when we observe those below us. We should also be appreciative of our eyes. We can view the lovely surroundings.

In addition, we need to be happy with our lives. So, in order to be happier, we need reduce the weight of our wants and expectations. We shouldn’t have constant material desires. We would feel depressed if our desires were not satisfied. Thus, the main factors influencing happiness are optimism, self-awareness, thankfulness, and satisfaction.

Bài mẫu 3

There is no denying the reality that humans are constantly seeking “happiness.” Contrary to melancholy, happiness gives us various emotions that might inspire us to be upbeat and enjoy life more. For this reason, happiness is regarded as the spice of life. However, it is not easy to define what happiness is and how to achieve it. This essay will describe the challenge of defining happiness and the factors that influence on reaching happiness. 

One could say that each person has their own unique notion of happiness. Simply said, this is because every person is at a different time of life, has a different living situation, works in a different setting, and deals with a distinct set of issues. As a result, they have different ideas about what happiness is.

For instance, a child can be delighted when his parents give him a nice gift on his birthday. As he gets older and starts attending school, he could get delighted when he receives good grades or passes an exam. When he enters the workforce as an adult, happiness can include a lucrative salary, professional success, and a dream wedding.

He spent his time and effort pursuing his dream, but now that he is older, a healthy and happy family will bring him the most enjoyment. Therefore, no one can define happiness precisely, but we can all agree on what it means to each of us. 

Bài văn mẫu về chủ đề Happiness
Bài văn mẫu về chủ đề Talk about Happiness

Finding happiness is influenced by a variety of factors. To start, one of the most important aspects of determining pleasure is the manner that one thinks and approaches a subject. A person with an optimistic outlook will believe that the challenges he faces are not very severe, and he can easily come up with a way to get beyond them.

He will be happier as a result since he can make challenging situations simple. The influence of family and true friends on happiness is another important component. They are always happy to share their joys and sorrows with us. When we are in need, they will stand by our side and help us.

They will offer us real guidance to help us become better people. With them, we can go out to lunch or take a stroll and quickly learn that happiness is all around us. Not to mention, it is important to bring up money. Being able to use money to meet our fundamental requirements and pay for expenses makes it an essential component of our life.

A person won’t have to worry too much about their expenses and subsistence allowance if their financial situation is stable. As a result, individuals have an easier time finding contentment. 

In conclusion, people should be aware that happiness is in fact easy to describe and is just a result of experiences that bring them pleasure. We might quickly discover that happiness is all around us by going to lunch or taking a walk with them. It is worthwhile to bring up money as a final point.

Due to its ability to support our basic requirements and expenses, money is an essential component of our life. One won’t have to stress too much about their expenses and subsistence allowance if they are in a secure financial position.

Consequently, it will be simpler for them to find contentment. As a result, people should be aware that what makes them happy is actually rather simple to define—it just involves doing activities they enjoy.

Như vậy, bài viết đã giúp bạn tổng hợp lại những câu hỏi thường gặp và các bài văn mẫu talk about happiness hay nhất. hy vọng những kiến thức này có thể trở thành tài liệu ôn tập IELTS hiệu quả nhất nhé!

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