Topic Talk about your leisure activities – Bài mẫu tiếng Anh về thời gian rảnh rỗi

Trong phần thi Speaking IELTS, bạn sẽ gặp phải các chủ đề xoay quanh cuộc sống hàng ngày như nói về sở thích, công việc mơ ước hay món ăn yêu thích,v.v. Và một trong những chủ đề phổ biến hiện nay là Talk about your leisure activities.

Cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây để tích luỹ cho mình những kinh nghiệm speaking, cấu trúc, từ vựng và câu hỏi thường gặp của chủ đề này nhé!

Từ vựng cho chủ đề Talk about leisure activities

Bài mẫu tiếng Anh về thời gian rảnh rỗi
Bài mẫu tiếng Anh về thời gian rảnh rỗi – Talk about your leisure activities
  • Go to the movies /gou tu ðə ‘mu:viz/: Đi xem phim
  • Listen to music /’lisn tu ‘mju:zik/: Nghe nhạc
  • Read /ri:d/: Đọc
  • Write /rait/: Viết
  • Fishing /’fiʃiɳ/: Câu cá
  • Picnic /’piknik/: Dã ngoại
  • Go out with friends /gou aut wɪð frendz/: Ra ngoài với bạn bè
  • Study something /’stʌdi ‘sʌmθiɳ/: Học môn gì đó
  • Art and crafts /ɑ:t ənd krɑ:ft/: Nghệ thuật và thủ công
  • Exercise /’eksəsaiz/: Tập thể dục
  • Play a sport /plei ə spɔ:t/: Chơi thể thao
  • Surf the internet /sə:f ði ˈɪntənɛt/: Lướt web
  • Play video games /plei ‘vidiou geim/: Chơi game
  • Play a musical instrument /plei ə ‘mju:zikəl ‘instrumənt/: Chơi nhạc cụ
  • Go to the park /gou tu ðə pɑ:k/: Đi công viên
  • Go to cultural locations and events /gou tu ‘kʌltʃərəl lou’keiʃns ənd i’vents/: Đi tới khu văn hóa và sự kiện
  • Shopping /’ʃɔpiɳ/: Mua sắm
  • Cook /kuk/: Nấu nướng
  • Gardening /’gɑ:dniɳ/: Làm vườn
  • Watch TV /wɔtʃ tiːˈviː/: Xem tivi
  • Spend time with family /spend taim wɪð ‘fæmili/: Dành thời gian cho gia đình

Bố cục bài nói chủ đề Talk about your leisure activity

Để có được một phần thi về Talk about your leisure activities tốt, bạn cần chuẩn bị sẵn một bài nói có bố cục phần đó là mở bài, thân bài và kết bài.

Bạn có thể tham khảo bố cục dưới đây để tự sáng tạo ra một bài cho riêng mình về chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities nhé.

  • Mở bài: Giới thiệu về khoảng thời gian rảnh rỗi. (Đó là buổi sáng/buổi chiều hay buổi tối? – Talk about your leisure activities
  • Thân bài: Trả lời các câu hỏi sau cho chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities
    • Bạn thường rảnh vào thời gian nào?
    • Bạn thường làm gì vào những lúc rảnh rỗi?
    • Trong các hoạt động đó, bạn thích làm cái nào nhất?
    • Bạn thường tận hưởng thời gian rảnh rỗi của mình với ai?
    • Hoạt động đó mang lại lợi ích gì cho bạn?
  • Kết bài: Tóm tắt ý chính và nêu cảm nhận của bạn. – Talk about your leisure activities

Cấu trúc câu phổ biến cho Talk about your leisure activities

Ngoài việc có bố cục rõ ràng, từ vựng mới lạ, bạn cũng cần có sự “hỗ trợ” của các cấu trúc câu để gây ấn tượng với ban giám khảo.


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Một số mẫu câu bạn có thể tham khảo và ứng dụng cho chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities:

  • In my spare time I often…: Trong thời gian rảnh, tôi thường… 
  • When I get the time, I like to…: Khi tôi có thời gian, tôi thích…
  • In my spare time, I relax by…: Trong thời gian rảnh, tôi thư giãn bằng cách…
  • My hobbies are…: sở thích của tôi là…
  • I’m interested in…: Tôi hứng thú với…
  • I’m into (+ noun/ gerund)…: Tôi thích…
  • I am keen on…: Tôi thích…
  • I am fond of…:  Tôi thích…

Câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities – Part 1

Câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities – Part 1
Câu hỏi thường gặp trong chủ đề Talk about your leisure activities – Part 1

What do you do in your free time/ leisure time?

Reading books and listening to music are a couple of my hobbies. They are, in my opinion, both soothing and entertaining. Recently, I also began going to the gym to work out, which is a very healthy pastime.

Do you think hobbies are important?

I honestly think so, as having interests contributes to a better work-life balance for me. After work, I can decompress by working out or listening to a good music.

Which hobby do you like to try in the future?

In the future, I’d like to give playing an instrument like the guitar or piano a shot. I also really enjoy music, and I always think folks who can play it look quite great. Given that it’s more affordable, perhaps picking up a guitar would be a wiser and more useful decision.

Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – Part 2

You should say – Talk about your leisure activities:

  • What it is?
  • How often do you do it?
  • Where you do it?
  • And explain why you like to do it.
Bài mẫu Talk About Your Leisure Activities - part 2
Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – part 2

Talk about your leisure activities – Chơi thể thao

But on the weekends, I have a lot of spare time, so I normally use it to unwind before a hard work week. First off, I enjoy playing sports with my buddies during my leisure time, such as basketball, badminton, or soccer.

Sport helps me become stronger and links me with friends who share my interests. We occasionally go riding so that we may combine exercise and sightseeing. I enjoy reading books when the weather isn’t nice enough for me to be out with my buddies. I have a large collection with a wide variety of books, although I like science literature.

Talk about your leisure activities reading books – Đọc sách

My leisure activity is reading. I enjoy reading because it is a pastime that is both intriguing and beneficial: Interesting because books can make you happy and help you unwind after a long day at work, useful because you can learn a lot about all the topics you need to know about, etc.

Particularly after joining the forum, you can interact with many people who share your interests and discuss the books or novels you find interesting.

I became a book lover when I was ten years old. My grandfather presented me with “The Scarlet Sails” of Alexandre Green. I’ve never seen a book like that before. I can’t remember how many times I’ve read it (Up to now, I still love it and occasionally read it again). I constantly dream of having my own library someday. I adore reading and may not be able to survive without it.

Talking about leisure activities – Đi chơi với bạn bè

My favorite leisure activities are playing sports and hanging out with my buddies. I’m a really social person, so I enjoy getting together with my friends on the weekends to unwind.

We frequently go shopping for groceries to be cooked at one of our homes after we go out to a coffee shop to talk about our weeks’ events. When I feel comfortable talking about myself, it definitely relieves the stress from the week’s worth of work for me.

I decide to go to the park and play sports like badminton and shuttlecock kicking when all of my pals are busy. I don’t need a partner to play sports because there are always others who want to play with me.

In addition, I enjoy swimming, so I also visit the pool to have some fun in the water. For me, a week is really lengthy, but remembering that I have two free days to do anything I want on Saturday and Sunday gives me the motivation I need to get through it.

Talk about your leisure activities listening to music – Nghe nhạc

In my free time, I love to relax myself by listening to music and watching my favorite films. After seven o’clock is the only time I have for myself because I study all day. I frequently use my headphones to listen to the many tunes that I can freely download from the Internet thanks to my smartphone. I will turn on the loudspeakers if no one is home to enjoy music to its fullest, but I often just use headphones when I listen to music.

Movies are my second-greatest love, right behind music. I turn on my computer and watch some of the newest movies on the internet while I’m not listening to the songs. My parents want me to read books to learn even in my free time, but I think I should do what I actually love to make myself comfortable.

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Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – IELTS Speaking

Bài mẫu Talk About Your Leisure Activities – band 6.5+
Bài mẫu Talk About Your Leisure Activities – band 6.5+

Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – band 5.0+

Gym visits are one of my hobbies (tr gii tr). It is my favorite activity. As you well know, I enjoy it as much as all of my pals do.

Six days a week, I always visit the gym after work. To rest my muscles, I’ll take the day off on Sunday. On the other days, I’ll work out for around an hour each day.

I believe the gym is quite convenient for me because it is not far from my office, which is only 10 minutes away by motorcycle.

I really love working out at the gym since I need to unwind after work. I occasionally have too much tasks to accomplish at work. After a long day of work, a gym is the perfect place for me to let all of my strain and tension out. In addition, I have made a ton of new friends that are interested in the same things as me. These are the explanations for why I select the gym as my preferred activity.

Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – band 6.5+

So let me now talk to you about one of my hobbies, which is going to the gym. You already know that all of my pals enjoy going to the gym after work, and they have motivated me to do the same.

Actually, I never skip a day of working out. I mean, other than on Sundays when I need to relax so that my muscles can heal, I always go there after work. Normally, if I have a busy schedule, I will spend around an hour each day.

I frequently work out at a facility that is close to my office, which is only a 10-minute motorcycle ride away. This is such an ideal distance because I can make the best use of my time at the gym. 

I truly enjoy working out since I need to do something to relax (th gin) after work. I occasionally feel pressured and overworked at work (làm vic quá sc). After a tough day at work, going to the gym is a terrific way for me to let out all of my negative emotions. What else? Since I started going to the gym every day, I have made a lot of new acquaintances that are interested in the same things as me. These are the explanations for why I select the gym as my preferred activity.

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Bài mẫu Talk about your leisure activities – band 8.0+

Now that we have that out of the way, it is a pleasure to share with you one of my favorite past times. It is to exercise in a gym. You see, all of my buddies enjoy doing it, and I am no different because they inspired me to do it after I heard them bugging me a lot.

Honestly speaking, I am proud to say that I have never skipped a day at the gym. I mean, except from Sundays when I need to relax so that my muscles may have time to heal, I constantly go there after work. If my schedule is tight, I will typically spend about an hour per day, but if I am swamped with deadlines and assignments, I will only do the warm-up or quick cardio exercises for 30 minutes and leave.

The distance on a motorcycle from my office, where I often exercise, to the gym is only around ten minutes. You see, this is such a perfect distance because I can maximize my time at the gym without having to fight through traffic.

I truly enjoy spending my time working out because I need to do something to relax after work. I occasionally feel overworked and anxious at work, which is distressing (khó chu). After a tough day at work, going to the gym gives me a terrific opportunity to let all of those negative emotions out. But on top of that, I’ve met a lot of new people that enjoy the same beverage as me since I started frequenting the gym every day. In conclusion, those are the reasons why I choose gym to be my favorite thing to do and I wish I will still have the passion for this hobby for a long time.

Như vậy, bài viết đã giúp bạn tổng hợp các cấu trúc, từ vựng và các bài mẫu của chủ đề talk about your leisure activities để giúp bạn đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi Speaking IELTS. Hy vọng những kiến thức trên đây sẽ hữu ích cho bạn nhé!

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