Talk about how you take care of your appearance – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2

Chăm sóc bản thân là một việc cực kỳ quan trọng, giúp bạn tăng thêm sự tự tin cho bản thân mình. Không những vậy, thói quen này còn ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe cũng như làm cho tinh thần được lạc quan hơn. UNI Academy mách một số cách có thể sử dụng để chia sẻ về cách chăm sóc bản thân của mình khi trò chuyện về chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance.

Từ vựng về talk about how you take care of your appearance

Talk about how you take care of your appearance
Talk about how you take care of your appearance
  • Personal hygiene: vệ sinh cá nhân
  • Shower: tắm
  • Bath: bồn tắm
  • Clean: làm sạch
  • Brush: chải, đánh răng
  • Teeth: răng
  • Balanced diet: chế độ ăn uống cân bằng
  • Hydrated: được cung cấp đủ nước
  • Sleep: ngủ
  • Exercise: tập luyện
  • Fashion: thời trang
  • Grooming: chăm sóc bản thân
  • Facial hair: râu
  • Style hair: tạo kiểu tóc
  • Nails: móng tay
  • Mental health: sức khỏe tâm thần
  • Emotional well-being: tình trạng cảm xúc tốt
  • Confidence: sự tự tin
  • Comfortable: thoải mái.

Idioms chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance

Dưới đây là một số idiom liên quan đến chủ đề Talk about how you take care of your appearance.

Talk about how you take care of your appearance idiom
Talk about how you take care of your appearance idiom
  • Clean bill of health: Tình trạng sức khỏe tốt, không có bệnh tật.
  • Look like a million dollars: Trông rất đẹp, quyến rũ, hấp dẫn.
  • Let your hair down: Thư giãn và thoải mái.
  • Beauty is only skin deep: Đẹp chỉ là bề ngoài, cái quan trọng hơn là bên trong.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words: Một bức ảnh có thể truyền tải một ý nghĩa hoặc thông điệp hơn nhiều lời nói.
  • Put your best foot forward: Cố gắng làm tốt nhất có thể, thể hiện mình ở mức độ tốt nhất.
  • Dress to impress: Mặc đồ đẹp để tạo ấn tượng, thu hút sự chú ý.
  • Wear your heart on your sleeve: Thể hiện cảm xúc một cách trực tiếp và thành thật, không giấu diếm gì.
  • In the pink: Tình trạng sức khỏe tốt, khỏe mạnh.
  • A face that launched a thousand ships: Một gương mặt quyến rũ, hấp dẫn và có sức ảnh hưởng lớn. 

Dàn ý chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance

Để bài viết của mình có logic và thu hút ban giám khảo hơn, bạn cần dành thời gian để lên outline, sắp xếp các ý tưởng trong đầu sao cho hợp lý. Yên tâm, bài viết dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn thực hiện điều đó!

Talk about how you take care of your appearance
Talk about how you take care of your appearance

Introduction – Giới thiệu

  • Tầm quan trọng của việc chăm sóc ngoại hình
    • Your appearance can affect how people perceive you, both professionally and socially.
    • Taking care of your appearance can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
    • Proper grooming and hygiene can prevent unpleasant body odor and infections.
  • Quan điểm của bạn về ý kiến này: I believe that taking care of one’s appearance is important not only for external presentation, but also for internal well-being.

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Personal hygiene and grooming – Chăm sóc bản thân bằng cách giữ vệ sinh cá nhân

Talk about how you take care of your appearance
Talk about how you take care of your appearance
  • Taking care of one’s skin is important for preventing acne, dryness, and other skin issues.
  • Proper hair care includes washing regularly, using appropriate products, and avoiding excessive heat or styling damage.Basic hygiene practices include brushing teeth, washing hands, and bathing or showering regularly.
  • Proper grooming habits can improve one’s appearance and help build self-confidence.

Health and fitness – Chăm sóc bản thân bằng cách rèn luyện sức khỏe 

  • Regular exercise is important for maintaining physical health, including cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility.
  • Exercise can also improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Different types of exercise can be tailored to individual preferences and fitness levels, from low-impact activities like yoga to high-intensity workouts like running or weightlifting.

Fashion and style – Chăm sóc bản thân bằng phong cách ăn mặc và thời trang

  • Improving overall health and wellness can lead to increased energy and a better quality of life.
  • Building healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, can improve physical health and cognitive function.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Fashion and style – Chăm sóc bản thân bằng đời sống tinh thần

  • Building and maintaining supportive relationships with friends and family can provide a sense of belonging and emotional support.
  • Setting realistic goals and practicing time management can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Learning and practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can improve mental health and emotions.

Conclusion – Tổng kết

  • Summarize the main points of your discussion.
  • Restate your opinion about the importance of taking care of your appearance.
  • End with a final thought or a call to action.

Một số ý tưởng để chăm sóc bản thân

Nếu bạn chưa có ý tưởng nào cho bài speaking của mình, bạn có thể tham khảo những cách chăm sóc bản thân dưới đây:


Vui lòng nhập tên của bạn
Số điện thoại của bạn không đúng
Địa chỉ Email bạn nhập không đúng
  • Ignore media beauty standards: Bỏ qua tiêu chuẩn vẻ đẹp truyền thông.
  • List all the positives that your body does for you: Liệt kê tất cả những điều tích cực mà cơ thể bạn làm cho bạn.
  • Practice observe yourself without judgement: Thực hành quan sát bản thân mà không phán xét.
  • Write down compliments that other people give you: Viết ra những lời khen ngợi mà người khác dành cho bạn.
  • Let negative comments go: Không quan tâm đến những bình luận tiêu cực
  • Foster self-love in a gratitude journal: Yêu thương bản thân bằng cách ghi chép nhật ký
  • Repeat positive affirmations: Lặp lại khẳng định tích cực.
  • Challenge your negative thoughts: Thách thức những suy nghĩ tiêu cực của bạn.
  • Be kind to yourself: Hãy tử tế với chính mình.
  • Lean on your loved ones for extra support: Dựa vào những người thân yêu của bạn để được hỗ trợ thêm.
  • Make an effort to smile more: Hãy cố gắng cười nhiều hơn.
  • Wear comfy clothes that flatter your shape: Mặc quần áo thoải mái tôn lên vóc dáng của bạn.
  • Stick to a diet and exercise routine: Bám sát chế độ ăn kiêng và tập thể dục thường xuyên.
  • Don’t weigh yourself constantly: Đừng cân liên tục.
  • Create a schedule: Lên kế hoạch sẵn
  • Take regular baths or showers: Tắm bồn hoặc tắm với hoa sen
  • Keep your hair clean and trimmed: Giữ cho tóc tai luôn gọn gàng
  • Dress well: Ăn mặc đẹp
  • Looking Inward: Hướng nội
  • Getting Healthy: Khỏe mạnh
  • Improving Your Complexion: Cải thiện làn da của bạn
  • Smelling Wonderful: Mùi tuyệt vời
  • Dressing Well: Mặc đẹp
  • Getting Great Hair: Có được mái tóc đẹp
  • Exuding Confidence: Thể hiện sự tự tin
  • Eat a balanced diet: Ăn kiêng
  • Get enough sleep: Ngủ đủ giấc
  • Stay hydrated: Uống đủ nước
  • Exercise regularly: Tập thể dụng
  • Use skincare and beauty products: Chăm sóc da và dùng mỹ phẩm

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Bài mẫu chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance

Bài mẫu chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance
Bài mẫu chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance

Bài mẫu 1

First of all, I’m content with my appearance. I believe that while appearance is important, inner beauty is more valuable. I aim to impress and attract others through my actions and personality.

Secondly, I take good care of my teeth by brushing them three times a day with Close Up toothpaste. This is a popular brand of toothpaste that is known for its refreshing flavor and effective cleaning properties. It contains fluoride, which helps to strengthen the teeth and protect against cavities. Beside, it also has micro-shine crystals that help to polish the teeth and give them a bright, white appearance.

Thirdly, I typically visit a spa twice a month with my friends. We often go to various spas in Soc Trang and Can Tho. I enjoy getting services such as body massages, skin cleaning, head washing, hair removal, liposuction, and cosmetic surgery. Typically, I spend between 100,000 to 200,000 VND for facials or hair removal.

Lastly, while I believe that cosmetic surgery can enhance one’s outer beauty, I prefer not to undergo the procedure. Though it can provide good results in a shorter amount of time, it is costly and comes with risks. Instead, I would use my money for more meaningful things.

In conclusion, taking care of one’s appearance is important, but inner beauty should also be emphasized. I prioritize maintaining good hygiene and visiting spas to enhance my physical appearance. However, I believe that everyone should make their own decisions regarding cosmetic surgery based on their personal preferences and circumstances.

Bài mẫu 2

Taking care of our appearance is an essential part of self-care that can help us feel more confident and improve our overall well-being. In this essay, I will discuss some practical tips on how to take care of our appearance.

Firstly, good hygiene is crucial. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing our teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash. Additionally, showering regularly and washing our face daily can help to keep our skin clean and prevent breakouts. This helps to ensure that we look and feel our best every day.

Secondly, following a healthy diet is also important. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help to improve the health of our skin, hair, and overall health. We should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in our diet. Drinking plenty of water is also essential to keep our skin hydrated and healthy-looking.

Thirdly, regular exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight, improve our skin and hair, and reduce stress. It is recommended to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. This can include activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling.

Getting enough sleep is also vital for our appearance. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night to help our body regenerate and repair. Lack of sleep can lead to dark circles under our eyes and a tired-looking complexion.

Additionally, it is essential to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays by using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing. Moisturizing our skin daily can also help to keep it soft and supple.

Dressing well is another way to take care of our appearance. Wearing clothes that fit well and make us feel comfortable and confident can help us feel good about ourselves.

Lastly, practicing good grooming habits can help us maintain our appearance. Keeping our hair trimmed and neat and grooming our nails regularly can help us look and feel our best.

In conclusion, taking care of our appearance is an important aspect of self-care. By following these practical tips, we can maintain a healthy and attractive appearance, which can help us feel more confident and improve our overall well-being.

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Bài mẫu 3

Taking care of one’s appearance is an essential part of life. It not only enhances our physical appearance but also boosts our confidence and self-esteem. In this essay, I will share my thoughts and practices on how I take care of my appearance.

To begin with, I believe that taking care of oneself starts from the inside. That is, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and staying physically active. I ensure that I consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods that provide the necessary nutrients to my body. I also make it a point to engage in physical activities such as running, yoga, or going to the gym at least four times a week.

Apart from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I also take care of my skin and hair. I wash my face twice a day with a gentle cleanser and apply a moisturizer to keep my skin hydrated. I avoid using harsh chemicals and opt for natural skincare products that suit my skin type. As for my hair, I wash it thrice a week and use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy and shiny.

In addition to this, I also pay attention to my dental hygiene. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss regularly to maintain healthy gums and teeth. I also visit my dentist once every six months for a routine check-up and cleaning.

Furthermore, I enjoy experimenting with different hairstyles and makeup looks. I believe that one’s appearance is a reflection of their personality, and it’s fun to try out new looks and styles that suit my mood or occasion.

In conclusion, taking care of one’s appearance is not just about looking good but also feeling good. It requires effort and commitment, but the benefits are immeasurable. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking care of our skin, hair, and dental hygiene.

Qua bài viết tổng hợp chi tiết, UNI Academy hy vọng những từ vựng, bài mẫu, dàn ý và ý tưởng của chủ đề talk about how you take care of your appearance, giúp bạn hoàn thiện bản thân và trở nên tự tin hơn khi đối diện với mọi người.

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